Casa de Cura





Casa de Cura
São Paulo - SP

©2024 copyright  Casa de Cura

The Non Profit Casa de Cura

We are a Civil Society Organization that nurtures the guardians of the Forest, supporting projects by Indigenous Associations in favor of their sovereignty.

Where do we act

Our focus is to work within the Indigenous Territories of Brazil.

What do we do

We support projects by Indigenous Associations, which are seeking to return sovereignty to their people, praising their culture, traditions and ancestral knowledge, through the formatting of projects and mobilization of resources, in favor of the development of the social and integral health of Original Peoples.

How do we do it

Through relationships built with different ethnicities of the indigenous peoples of Brazil, we offer a fully personalized service, in direct partnership with the creators of these dreams, to facilitate, speed up and implement the bureaucratic processes of conception, training and mobilization of resources for projects.

Our Mission

Nurture the integral health of the Indigenous population, offering support services for the formatting of projects and mobilization of resources, to Associations of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil, who are firm in their purpose of guarding, expanding and caring for their culture, ancestral knowledge and traditions, in favor of their own sovereignty.

Our Vision

Establish an integrative model of support services for projects, within the Brazilian indigenous territory, that promote the health, well-being and sovereignty of the population, easily replicated by different ethnicities, and with a service model that can be incorporated and replicated by and for governmental, private and civil society organizations.

Our Values

Welcoming - We offer a safe space so that people can be heard, helped and accompanied, without any judgment or discrimination.

Accessibility - We facilitate access for indigenous associations in Brazil to bureaucratic services, for formatting projects and mobilizing resources.

Integrality - We see the being as a whole, body, mind and spirit, these entities being indivisible and inseparable, valuing the sovereignty of the original peoples.

Quality - We value having our team with qualified professionals who meet the needs of indigenous associations.

Equity - It is through its intellectual property that Casa de Cura collaborates with indigenous peoples in favor of their sovereignty.

Replicability - we prioritize projects from indigenous associations that can be applied in different contexts and other ethnicities.

How can you support us

In order to sustain our operations, Casa de Cura spends a total of R$ 25.000 a month, around US $5000 dollars, including all of our costs.

When you donate to Casa de Cura, you are enabling us to keep supporting all of these indigenous projects, which need our help in order to come alive, thus furthering live on Earth, as you nurture projects which enable the guardians of the forest to keep their land, their culture and knowledge alive and expanding, as they recover their sovereignty.

All you have to do is click on the Donate button bellow, and become an official supporter of OUR Indigenous Integral Health Cause,

You can also use the QR-Code bellow, and the directed to our Paypal campaing page. 

If you are a Company, who wants to support our Organization, please contact us via:

Email:  casadecuraong@gmail.com
Phone: +5511 998896094 or Whatsapp.

If you would like to know more about our cause, our programs and our story, please contact us via email or through our Instagram Page.

But if for any reason, you still feel unsure about your donation, please contact us here, and we will clear up all of your doubts.

On behalf of Casa de Cura an the Indigineous Population of Brazil, our warm Thank YOU!